The 6th Binarennial
Association for Computational Heresy : SIGBOVIK
Workshop about Symposium on Robot Dance Party of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Gates Building Hotel Room 404* 1pm, April 1, 2007 Colocated with The Syruposium on Apple-Crisp Mathematics *actually Wean Hall 7500
Welcome to SIGBOVIK 2007ACH SIGBOVIK is the Assocation for Computational Heresy Special Interest Group on Harry Quadragesimal Bovik.
SIGBOVIK 2007 Important Dates
Scope of the ConferenceThe binarennial SIGBOVIK Conference is a celebration of the work of Harry Quantong Bovik celebrated on the powers-of-two anniversaries of his birth. As Harry Bovik is a prolific researcher in a variety of areas, the conference will be a forum for research on many subjects: Inept Expert Systems, Deep Space Navigation, Science, Perplexity Theory, Thaughmaturgic Circle, Self Adjusting Computation, Denotational Semantics of Pidgin and Creole, Natural Intelligence, Artificial Stupidity, Elbow Macaroni, Rasterized Love Triangles, Synergistic Hyperparadigmatism, Computational Archaeolinguistics, Hyper Driven Devices, and any other topic approved by the conference organizers.
![]() Conference Organizers
Call For PapersFull-length papers are acceptable, but not required: short abstracts are welcome. Submissions should be sent as ps, pdf, or plain text to (info at sigbovik dot org). Authors of accepted abstracts will be allowed twenty minutes to present their work. Any unusual requirements, such as additional time/antitime or special equipment, can and should be arranged through the organizers. There will also be a poster session, and a wide range of poster formats will be accepted as submissions. We will also accept prerecorded talks. RegistrationThere is no need to register. However, we would strongly prefer if you sent us an email if you are planning to attend or make a submission so we can gauge numbers. If you are interested in presenting, see the call for papers. PublicityWe encourage you to print out these posters and put them in relevant places, such as science buildings, coffeeshops, and your forehead. We also encourage you to make your own posters, either for advertising or for the poster session at the conference. Suggestions or comments? Please contact the organizing commitee (info at sigbovik dot org). |