The 2nd annual workshop that is SIGBOVIK

Proceedings from last year's event are available, both as a free PDF, and as a bound volume at the low, low price of $7.65+shipping.

We have posters! Print them out! Paste them up! Drink them with cream and sugar!

Welcome to SIGBOVIK 2008

ACH SIGBOVIK is the Assocation for Computational Heresy Special Interest Group on Harry Quickbeam Bovik. The 2008 workshop will be held on April 6, 2008, on the campus of Carnegie Mellon University, located in scenic Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

NEW! The awards from SIGBOVIK 2008 have been posted
NEW!Proceedings are available.
NEW!Subscribe to the sigbovik-announce mailman list to receive sigbovik announcements by email.
Probably the last SIGBOVIK paper submission deadliine: March 19, 2008
Next SIGBOVIK paper submission deadliine: March 10, 2008
A date has been set! SIGBOVIK will be held on April 6, 2008 at 1pm.
Registration is open.
Publicity materials are available.

Important Dates

Conference April 6, 2008, 1 PM, Wean Hall 7500

Call For Papers

SIGBOVIK celebrates the inestimable research work of Harry Quagga Bovik. Since his research has been so variegated, the conference is traditionally a forum for discussion on many subjects: Inept Expert Systems, Deep Space Navigation, Science, Perplexity Theory, Thaughmaturgic Circle, Self-Adjusting Computation, Denotational Semantics of Pidgin and Creole, Protein-Protein Interaction Decoys, Comparative Genomics, Integer-Based Vulnerabilities, Discard-based Search, Natural Intelligence, Artificial Stupidity, Elbow Macaroni, Rasterized Love Triangles, Synergistic Hyperparadigmatism, Computational Archaeolinguistics, Modal Code for Mobile Types, Operational Semantics of Chevy Tahoes, Hyper Driven Devices, and any other topic approved by the conference organizers. The Program Committee seeks submissions on the entire range of topics.

Both full-length papers and short abstracts are appropriate. Submissions should be sent as ps, pdf, or plain text to info at sigbovik dot org. Authors of accepted manuscripts will be allowed (but not required to use) twenty minutes to present their work. Any unusual requirements, such as additional time/antitime or special equipment, can and should be arranged through the organizers at the same address. There will also be a poster session, and a wide range of poster formats will be accepted as submissions. We will also accept prerecorded talks.

SIGBOVIK 2008 Awards

Best Paper Raffle

Harry Q. Bovik People's Choice Award for Best Presentation
Slacking with Slack, by Michael Dinitz

The shrtgt Award for Best Abstract or Short Paper
World War C: The Rising Threat of Undead Code

The TL;DR Award for Best Longer Paper and/or Best Use Of Internet Meme
Objectivist Conceptual Dependency, by Corey Kosak, Naju Mancheril, and Kevin Watkins

Most Least In Box Award for Creative Thought
Data Mining Disasters: a report.

Most Frighteningly Like Real Research
Expanded Exposure of Bipedal Robots to Everyday Phenomena, by Andrew J. Harris, Pyry K. Matikainen, and Garratt "Mad Dog" Gallagher
Honorable Mention:
Dolla Dolla Bill Y'all: Is There a Bias to the Orientation of Dollar Bills Put in the Coke Machine? by Peter Landwehr, D Lee, Mary McGlohon, and Rob Reeder

Best Use Of Citation
Automatic Citation [McCann 2008], by James McCann

The Wiki Award
General Case Rendering From Occurring Instances, by John Kua

SIGBOVIK Literature Review

Because of the aforementioned diversity of interests covered under the purview of SIGBOVIK, the SIGBOVIK 2008 organizing committee is also soliciting (in text format) short literature-review-style pieces relevant to the topics above. Work published in informal/speculative/future/tentative venues is also accepctable. Please include your name, the paper's title, authors, and a short description, as well as the previous place of publication (if any).

SIGBOVIK Whiteboard Sessions (TBA)


We encourage you to print out these posters and put them in relevant places, such as science buildings, coffeeshops, and your forehead. We also encourage you to make your own posters, either for advertising or for the poster session at the conference.


You may register for the conference at no cost by sending an email containing your name(s), approximate dry volume, and abridged personal history to info at sigbovik dot org. Registration is optional, but encouraged.

Conference Organizers

General Chair Ciel Elf Computer Science Department,
Carnegie Mellon
Program Chair Guy Fantastic Institute for Software Research,
Carnegie Mellon
Assistant Program Chair Emcee M.C. Machine Learning Department,
Carnegie Mellon
Publicity Co-Chairs Tux Rat and Forbes Anchove Computer Science Department,
Carnegie Mellon
Design Chair Emmett O'Theorem Computer Science Department,
Carnegie Mellon
Pre-Program Chair Julia Cette Machine Learning Department,
Carnegie Mellon
Procurement Chair Turing T. Turing Institute for Software Research,
Carnegie Mellon
Webmaster Chair Alga Rhythm Computer Science Department,
Carnegie Mellon
Local Arrangements Chair Alf A. Berry Computer Science Department,
Carnegie Mellon
External Relations Chair Reginald "Red" Acted Computer Science Department,
Carnegie Mellon


The program will be announced as soon as it has been programmed.