Proceedings are now available for has (via Lulu) and for downloads.
SIGBOVIK is a yearly conference celebrating the inestimable research work of Harry Quicksilver Bovik. Since his research has been so variegated, the conference is traditionally a forum for discussion on many subjects, including: Inept Expert Systems, Deep Space Navigation, Science, Perplexity Theory, Thaughmaturgic Circle, Self-Adjusting Computation, Denotational Semantics of Pidgin and Creole, Spatio-Temporal Clusters, Anomaly Detection, Structural Conformance, High-Content Screening, Natural Intelligence, Artificial Stupidity, Elbow Macaroni, Rasterized Love Triangles, Synergistic Hyperparadigmatism, Computational Archaeolinguistics, Regret-Minimizing Algorithms, Smoke Sheets, Diversity at the Edge, k-Armed Bandits, Hyper Driven Devices, and any other topic approved by the conference organizers.
The conference will be held in Rashid Auditorium of the Gates-Hillman Center at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Directions to campus are available here; GHC is building #10 on the campus maps here.
To All Students, Faculty, Staff, and Sentient AIs:
The SIGBOVIK Call For Papers Subcommittee is pleased to announce, for the first time in recorded history, the Seventh Initial Call for Papers for the SIGBOVIK Robot Dance Party Symposium Workshop!
That's right, for the seventh time, SIGBOVIK opens its doors to paper submissions on Harry Q. Bovik's favourite topics, not limited to (but including): Comestibility theory, Eschatological Computing, Artificial Stupidity, and Patent Trolling. Everyone is encouraged to submit, regardless of age, discipline, rationality, or cybernetic status. The submission website awaits at:
More information will be available on the website as we discover it:
The conference will be APRIL 1. The submission deadline is MARCH 9.
Edit: The submission deadline has been moved to MARCH 16.