SIGBOVIK 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007

You Won't Believe This Call For Papers

This 8th annual ACH Special Interest Group on Harry Queensland Bovik will blow your mind.

-1. Awards

Most Frighteningly Like Real Research — Miguel Lechón
Unit-Test-Based Programming

Most Deserving of Being Real Research — Tom Murphy VII
New Results in k/n Power Hours

Most Likely to Get Us Featured on Fox News — Stefan Muller
Heterotopy Type Theory

Most Likely to Save the Universe — Jenn Landefeld
Please Don't Let Open House Destroy the Universe

Most Least in Box — Patrick Xia
Dollarcoin: A Cryptocurrency with Proof-of-Dollar

Greatest Outside-of-Boxness — David

Award Award Award Award Award Award Award — Sarah Allen, Jesse Dodge, Domosaur
Pikachu, Domosaur, and Other Monolexical Languages

Best Paper Raffle — Stefan Muller
A Simple Category-Theoretic Understanding of Category-Theoretic Diagrams

Best Presentation, Audience's Choice — William Gunther, Brian Kell
IRS-1040–based Computing: The Untapped Computational Power of Bureaucracy

0. Proceedings

1. Scope

Screening Expert Triangles Science

2. Submission Deadline

March 18, 2014 (final!)

3. Location

Rashid Auditorium, Gates-Hillman Center, Carnegie Mellon University

4. Conference Date

5 PM on...
April 1, 2014

Popular SIGBOVIK Research

This Man Teaches Computers To Play Mario. What Happens Next Will Amaze You

This Man Teaches Computers To Play Mario. What Happens Next Will Amaze You

DIY: Constructing A Trapdoor Function With Physics In N Simple Timesteps

DIY: Constructing A Trapdoor Function With Physics In N Simple Timesteps

These Horsemen Are Ushering In The End Times Of Computer Science

These Horsemen Are Ushering In The End Times Of Computer Science

Scientists Hate It! This One Weird Trick Reduces Your Erdős Number In
Two Pages

Scientists Hate It! This One Weird Trick Reduces Your Erdős Number In Two Pages

10 Reasons As They Should Be Considered Robot Uprisings Has Achieved

10 Reasons As They Should Be Considered Robot Uprisings Has Achieved

This Brilliant Move Might Be The Greatest Machine Translation Of All Time

This Brilliant Move Might Be The Greatest Machine Translation Of All Time

Which Graph Homomorphism Is Your Dream Date?

Which Graph Homomorphism Is Your Dream Date?